Saturday, April 28, 2018

Place de la République / Navigation

We stayed a couple blocks from the Republique Metro station and a block and a half from the Oberkampf. Republique is big enough not to miss, especially with an enormous statue visible from a block away, if you have a clean line of sight. Walking over was a breeze but the first time I had to walk back I got confused. I needed to go back on Republique and not Voltaire or Temple. I figured it out after a couple of trips over. After fighting the Metro for a couple days we started using buses with some success but finding where to catch the bus initially can be a challenge. At Republique some buses stick to the streets and others run on an alleyway through the square that's exclusive to buses. Going and coming often don't use the same stops. Once acclimated, it's second nature. We began to use the 96 bus from Oberkampf Richard Lenoir to take us south to the Seine area.

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